Truck driving can be a lonesome profession when you're out there spending long hours on the road for several weeks at a time. When you think about it, there aren't too many jobs that require you to be away from family and friends for such extensive periods of time -- let alone go under appreciated by the general public -- putting the life of a truck driver in a league of its own as far as unique career experiences.
While the sheer solitude of the profession can take its toll on anyone, it's no wonder that an entire sub-genre of music exists around the truck driver's lifestyle, encapsulating the sentiments felt by many on the never-ending highways. While the first truck driver songs can be traced all the way back to the 1950's, it wasn't until the 1960's that the sub-genre started to blossom into its own.
The following ten songs are some of the most notable contributions made by various musical talents to the truck driver sub-genre:
Is there a classic truck driver song you think is missing from this list? Feel free to mention it in a comment below...
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